Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy little...

Saw some Bob Ross on the TV and had to make a happy little landscape.  (Bryan style)

24 Paintings

Coming Soon: 2011 in Review

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mirrored Zebras

Zebras 4, 5, 6, 7
Four more 5x7 paintings.  So many possibilities...

Friday, December 9, 2011


Well, I've painted (at least a little) every day this week.
And before anyone else says it... Obsessed much???

Vortex 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Monday, December 5, 2011

Swept Away

It may not be such a bad thing...
Swept Away

Vortex 6

Vortex 7

Now, why could I possibly be making a bunch of 5x7 paintings for at this time of year?

Saturday, November 19, 2011


This is what I've been up to...

Abstract painting...

A sketch I am working on for a larger painting...
(Click to embiggen.)
I'll try to post another painting up next week.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


So... This is how I spent much of my July/August.  Thank you to the OC Fair, Kevin and Gina Myers, and Lily Lew for making this possible!

Photos by Kristina Schweizer, who also forced me to do this! ;)

**The Red Clay pieces were not made with my feet.

Monday, June 13, 2011

I Think I Was Happier When I Was Inside the Cave

I started to write up an explanation for this, but i decided against it... Let's just say, I wish there were some things that I did not know about...  And by the way, I sketched this out last November...  It took me a while to actually paint it.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hey everyone, the week started out really good, and I made two paintings this week.  Here is the fun one!

Thanks to Doug, Kelsey, Mario, Maria, Corneliu, Ioana, Sara, Tom, Jennifer, Sarah C, Jan, the Awesome Champion OC Bombers, and Megan for making this a fun week!

This painting is inspired by my cousin Geoff, who is an excellent painter/photographer, and my upcoming trip to beautiful Costa Rica.

Check out his photography at:

Have a great week everyone!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Special Post: OC Fair Submissions

Well, its time of year to start thinking about the OC Fair! Below are the paintings that I would like to submit to the Gallery. Any feedback? I can submit all four and the deadline is tomorrow. So speak up, and speak fast. Thank you!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Will I wake up?
Is it a dream I made up?
No, I guess it's reality.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Vortex 4, Giraffe 2

Sorry its been awhile. I've been distracted with plays, surgeries (not mine), friends... etc. Here are a couple of the latest paintings in some series.

I will soon register for demonstrating pottery at the Orange County Fair this summer. I will post my schedule when I know it.

Friday, January 21, 2011


More abstract paintings, dealing in contrast and repetition. Acrylic on Canvas Board 11''x14''

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Vortex 1
Acrylic on Canvas Board
Vortex 2
Acrylic on Canvas Board
These paintings can from a doodle in a conference call.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Zebras, Giraffe, Dragonflies

One of my favorite paintings that I have made (ten years ago!) was a silhouette of a zebra, so I thought it would be fun to recreate it (top right).  Yes, zebras, not horses, duh.  I let my friend Calley take the recreations, I kept the original.

The Dragonflies (bottom right) are inspired by my mommy.  She loves the dragonflies! (And they're pretty fun to paint.) She has the first painting in this series.

As for the Giraffe over here on the left, well, I doodled him during a recent conference call, and he's all mine.  I have several other ideas for paintings in this series and hope to keep it going.  I'm working on some other series of paintings as well (many of which have also originated from conference call doodles) so I'll try to keep some nice variance to my posts.

Thanks for stopping by, and looking, and possibly reading my wildly incoherent ramblings.